sábado, 9 de octubre de 2010

“The most important invention of the 16th century”

Pocket Watch

Pocket watch or pocket watch which is known for its small size can be carried in a pocket, and usually has a chain. The watches are in disuse, replaced by his wristwatch.
They were invented in France in the mid fifteenth century, shortly after the clock applied to the coil spring.

At first they were cylindrical, varying and quirky, and since the beginning of the sixteenth century in Nuremberg was built in profusion and ovoid shape, whence the name of Nuremberg eggs, believing invented in this German city.

Impact on society

I think that the pocket watch was so important to that era, it was like something amazing for people, because is a thing wich you can see the time and take it in your pocket, you believe that, in your pocket, in that time of the 16th century, i think it was awesome.

Magnetics poles. Gerardus Mercator 1546
Is regarded as the father of modern cartography. He was a man working for the construction of various instruments as well as a notable cartographer. Mercator was born in Antwerp in 1512. He studied at the University of Louvain and graduated in geography, geometry and astronomy. Founded his own company and directed its activity to the engraving of maps and charts to navigate.In 1522 he moved to Duisburg, and began work on his famous world map published in 1569, which reproduced the coasts of Central and South America, included a more accurate track of Asia, including Southeast continent.Although the greatest achievement of this map was a cylindrical projection that bears his name and that the projection is most used today UTM.

Impact on society

This invention change the way to look a map of earth, because with the poles, you can imagine where is located each of the sides of the earth, you can try to understand the position of the earth.

Hydrostatic. Simon Stevin, 1583

Hydrostatics is the branch of fluid mechanics that studies fluids in steady state, ie without any forces that alter the movement or position.The main theorems that support the study of hydrostatic Pascal's principle and the principle of Archimedes.

Impact on society
This fenomen it was, and keep on some difficult to understand for some people, per haves the people don´t toke this invention so important, but only because they wasn´t understand the idea.

Pendulum. Galileo Galilee, 1583

The principle of the pendulum was discovered by Italian physicist and astronomer Galileo, who established that the period of oscillation of a pendulum of a given length can be considered independent of its amplitude, ie the maximum distance that the pendulum away equilibrium position. Galileo said the potential applications of this phenomenon, called isochronous, as of the time. However, as the pendulum depends on the severity, the length varies with geographic location, since gravity is more or less intense according to latitude and altitude. For example, the period of a pendulum as a mountain will be higher than sea level. Therefore, a pendulum to determine precisely the local acceleration of gravity.

Microscope. 1590
Zacharias Jensen was born in Middelburg, the Netherlands, in 1588 and died in the same city in 1638.1 came from a family that manufactured lenses. His father was Hans Janssen. Although the origin of the microscope is a matter still uncertain, is regarded as the inventor of the compound microscope (with two lenses), perhaps with the help of his father in 1595.
The recognition by this invention generally allowed to Zacharias Janssel in Middelburg in the Netherlands.
Impact on society
This invention was a real good invention that i imagine in that time, I think the people recognize the work of Zacharias Jensen to create the first microscope compound.

Thermometer. Galileo Galilee, 1593

The physicist Galileo Galilei discovered that the density of a liquid changes with temperature.
In response to changes in temperature, crystal balls found inside the thermometer, move up or down with extraordinary sensitivity, generating two areas, one at the top and one on the bottom.
Each ball bears a plaque engraved with the temperature corresponding to the density of the liquid.
The room temperature is shown by the lower ball joint ball which is at the top of the thermometer.
Impact on society
Thermometer was in the most important inventions in that time, because it causes a big change in areas like a medicine, chemical, and other signatures in this area, thermometer in that time for people, I think it was a big step for all king of technology.

Electricity. William Gilbert, 1600
The scientist who gets credit for being the first father of electricity and magnetism was the Englishman William Gilbert, who was a physician and wise man in the court of Queen Elizabeth (XVI century). Before him, all that was known about electricity and magnetism was what the ancients knew, that the lodestone possessed magnetic properties and that amber and jet, when rubbed, would attract bits of paper or other substances of gravity small specific.
Influence on society
W.Gilbert was the first to coin the term "electricity" comes from the Greek word for amber electron meaning.Gilbert wrote about the electrification of many substances in his treatise "De Magnate, magneticisique corporibus." It was also the first person to use the terms electric force, magnetic pole, and electric attraction. “William Gilbert was a pioneer of the experimental method and the first to explain the operation of the magnetic compass. All his contribution was the main cause to give at people a sing to future is close of them lifes; it was something like a electricity revolution.